Sunday 22 August 2010

Maggie lands on her feet!

We rescued Maggie 3 days ago and already she has fitted in perfectly as a member of our family. She has been clean and quiet in the house from the beginning and is becoming more confident and much more playful by the day. I'm hoping our cat will learn to live with her eventually as she completely ignores him but I can't ever see them being the best of friends! She is getting on great with other dogs when out on walks and loves people, she wants kisses from everybody when we are out and about shes so loving! She also loves her food, her bed and going for a ride in the car ;)
We really feel that she has made our family complete and look forward to many happy years together!

The Beasley family

Friday 13 August 2010

Albert's new home

A very lovely and wonderful staffie X pup who has been brought to us from the Moorlands Rescue just outside Shrewsbury. His mother was abandoned by her owners when she was pregnant and left for fate to take a hand. Luckily she was found by a lovely lady called Sue. Albert has only been with us a week and he is absolutely stunning in every way. We are so very lucky to have him. We will give him a wonderful life filled with love which is nothing less than any dog deserves.

A few words from the boy himself:

Gosh what a big wide world this is. My new mummy says I ain't seen the half of it yet but that I will when I am a little bit older.

I have two new brothers. One is really huge and loud and I get a bit frightened of him, and the other is only just a little bigger than me. We play together. I like playing, eating, sleeping and chewing anything I can. I had great fun yesterday dragging my mum's rug out of the kitchen. I have met lots of new people who are all really nice. The ladies in the vets said I was a bit extra special and wanted to keep me but I kinda like it here. Even though I have my own bed, I get to sleep on chairs and get lots of cuddles and food and all the other stuff I need. My new mummy watches me all the time to make sure I am ok. Think she likes it best when I sleep at the moment -I have no idea why. I am very good.

I don't do any toilets in the house. BUT I did manage a pee on the bed the other morning for my daddy as I hadn't quite emptied my bladder just before hand. We have cats here too that are rescued. There is one that is a bit temperamental so I have to be careful.

I have a lot of growing up to do and it looks like it is going to be exciting. x x x

Thanks to Helen (and Albert of course) for this lovely contribution.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Two Jacks go to the vets'

Jack Lurcher

I got up as usual and went for my walk with Sparky, but realised things were not quite right when I didn't get any breakfast. Anyway, Grandad came and picked me and Mum up and off we went to what she called the V.E.T. They put me on the scales and then led me down to a kennel and Mum left me!!! When she came back later on, I had had two fatty lumps removed from my side, my teeth cleaned and the fur on the back of my rear legs brushed. Just as well they did it while I was asleep - I hate being brushed. It's for poodles and girls!! OK so most people who see me think I'm a girl but that's besides the point. Anyway, we went home again and boy was Sparky pleased to see me. And I had special tinned food for tea - Oliver wanted it but Mum wouldn't let him. Still feel a little bit tired so off to the sofa for a kip.

Bye for now

Jack x

Jack Lab

I went to the vets' on Wednesday afternoon for my kennel cough vaccination and because I've got a sore bit of skin on the inside of one of my back legs.
I love going out, anywhere...even to the vets' cos it's an adventure. I made sure I left my mark on the big flower pot next to the entrance and then dragged mum inside.
I jumped up and put my front paws on the tall counter to say hello to Carol. Then the vet came in and I bounced up and said hello to her too.
In the consulting room, the vet wondered which would be easier, the vac, looking down my ears or checking my leg. None were easy. I made sure of that! Then the vet put a towel over my eyes and I couldn't see a darned thing so had to stop bouncing and squirming. I gave up and let her do her thing.
After that I had to get on the scales to be weighed. I don't do keeping still for long so the numbers were going up and down whilst I moved about. They soon worked out my weight anyway and then we headed back to the waiting room.
There was a cat in a box and another black lab so I hoped we could have a play. I don't think the other lab liked being at the vets' because he looked worried and didn't want to play so mum said she would put me in the car and come back for my tablets.
On the way out I knocked into a large rack of cards by the door, which teetered a bit before crashing to the floor spilling cards everywhere. Mum looked a bit embarassed and took me out quickly.
From the van window I could see mum picking up all the cards and then Carol went to help her.
Now I have to have a really big tablet morning and night. Mum hides them in tasty treats but I know they are there and spit bits out. Then I have to have a second treat to have the rest of the tablet.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Purdy's Piece

Mum took Charlie and me out for our morning walk today. We met Fiona and Jack the Labrador just as the heavens opened. We didn't have our raincoats on. This doesn't bother me too much being a tough Lurcher but Charlie was not a happy dog. Still he still managed to get his nose in Fiona's pocket looking for biscuits.
Jack was not his usual bouncy self. I think he was exhausted after his afternoon with Nella. She must have worn him out. This is usually my job but it is nice to share the load.
It was still raining but Charlie managed to console himself by doing a bit of fruit picking on the way. He loves the bank of wild strawberries and the wild cherries go down a treat. He does try to finish off with a bit of fresh horse poo if he can which makes Mum and Fiona squeal.
I decided that Jack had recovered enough for me to give him his daily battering. He has the most delicious scruff for biting. I managed to throw him in the hedge a couple of times which he loves. Apparently Nella had been boxing with him yesterday. I may have to try this out.
Finally we got back to the bottom of the drive at which point the rain stopped and the sun came out! Jack provoked me into a final rough and tumble and then we went home to be dried off, have a spot of breakfast and then take to the sofas for a little snooze.
From Purdy Madam

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Nella's day out

Hi, I'm Nella. I was rescued by GRSB after I was involved in a car accident and broke my front leg.

One of the volunteers has taken a shine to me and sometimes brings her dog, Jack the mad Labrador for a run with me.

Yesterday, she took me off in the car with Jack to their home. Jack lay in the back but I kept standing up, looking through the windscreen to see where we were going. This was exciting and I didn't want to miss anything. There were lots of hills and fields and trees.

When we got there I had a good sniff around the house and garden and met Jack's dad and then we all jumped back in the car for a short journey. We stopped in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't a house to be seen for miles, just fields and more fields and......birds!

I was tense with excitement and when Mrs let me off the lead Jack and I ran like the wind through a huge open field on top of a hill, running towards the crows in the middle of the field. They rose before I could catch them and laughed at us from above. We didn't care - we were happy. We ran around the field and found a muddy pond in a dip at the far side of the field.
Jack and I were hot so we jumped in and wallowed in the muddy water then got out and had a good shake.

It was raining now but it didn't dampen our spirits, even when Mrs said she had soggy trainers and socks because she carried on walking and even started throwing a ball for us to chase.
Jack started to tire before I did but I carried on running and sniffing and looking for crows. I found a hole into another empty field and had a run around it before finding the hole again and going back to play with Jack.

When it started to rain harder Mr and Mrs called us and we started back across the fields to the car. The wet grass had washed all the mud off us by now. I jumped straight in the back of the car but Jack needed a lift up. Even I was tired now.

When we got back to the house, Mrs dried us off and put down some comfy beds. She gave us each a chew and Jack and I played musical mats before settling down. I had to tell him off when he tried to pinch my chew but he's a bit of a softie so didn't give me any trouble.

Mrs had told me I would be going out again to meet some horses, chickens and a sheep who thinks she's a dog but it was raining so hard Jack and I decided to stay put and let her go out on her own.

I started wondering what my pals at the kennels were up to and, starting to feel hungry, wondered if I would miss supper. Mr came in to settle me down and he started pottering about the kitchen. I was tall enough to see the top of the kitchen table and checked it out in case there was some tasty morsel I could snaffle...but there wasn't.

When Mrs got back she gave Jack and me our supper. My Mum at the kennels had packed some food for me so we both shared some of that mixed with some of Jack's.

After supper we went for a play in the garden. There were lots of bushes and shrubs and patches of long grass so it was great for playing hide and seek and looking for rabbits and birds. The garden backed onto woodland which looked really exciting but Mrs said we couldn't go there.
After a good look around it was time to go home. We were both tired and I was ready to see my friends again.

I had to go to a boring GRSB meeting on the way home but I just lay flat out on one of Jack's borrowed beds, went to sleep and dreamt about our afternoon.

I hope we do that again...soon.

Welcome to the Greyhound Rescue Shropshire & Borders' Blog


This blog is about our greyhounds and lurchers who are looking for their forever homes, and those who have already found that perfect sofa.

Please send in any stories or pictures of your favourite Moorlands hound. I look forward to hearing from you. Email your stories (and your hounds' stories) to
